how to Cleanse a crystal with sage

Cleansing a crystal with sage is a popular method for purifying and protecting the crystal. Sage is a plant that is believed to have purifying and protective properties, and smudging a crystal with sage smoke is thought to help to release any negative energy and protect it from future negativity. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to cleanse a crystal with sage:

  1. Gather your materials: The first step in cleansing a crystal with sage is to gather your materials. You will need a sage stick or bundle, a fire-safe container (such as a ceramic bowl or abalone shell), and a feather or fan to waft the smoke.
  2. Light the sage: Once you have your materials ready, it’s time to light the sage. Hold the sage stick or bundle over the fire-safe container and use a lighter or matches to ignite it. The sage should start to smolder and produce smoke.
  3. Hold the crystal in the smoke: Once the sage is lit and producing smoke, it’s time to hold the crystal in the smoke. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it on a flat surface and waft the smoke over it using the feather or fan. As the smoke envelops the crystal, visualize the smoke purifying and protecting the crystal.
  4. Allow the sage to burn out: Allow the sage to burn out completely before extinguishing it. Once the sage has burned out, carefully dispose of the remnants in a fire-safe manner.
  5. Store the crystal: Once the crystal has been cleansed with sage, it’s a good idea to store it in a safe and protected location. You can place the crystal in a special pouch or container, or you can bury it in the earth to further protect it.

Cleansing a crystal with sage is a simple yet effective method for purifying and protecting the crystal. Just be sure to follow these steps carefully to ensure that you get the most out of the process. Remember to handle the crystal with care and respect, and to use it in a way that feels meaningful and aligned with your intentions.